Greetings from the Sheane family in Kuwait. We miss all of you very much and wish we could get back to visit more often. We are all doing great. The girls are enjoying home school. Yesterday we were at the beach looking for shells and enjoying the nice breeze and 25 degree C weather. In another month or so it will get very hot again so we are making the most of every opportunity to get out these days.
Things at the church are going well. Easter is always a busy time for ministry. This year we will be having an Easter sunrise service and are expecting more than 2000 to be in attendance.
Naomi is continuing her Beth Moore women's bible study on Wednesday nights. The church service that we began on Sunday nights last year in our home has grown to the point that it has become it's own congregation and next month will start meeting in a new larger meeting hall.
A new pastor will be taking over the leadership of it so we are hoping in the next couple of months to move from where we are currently living to a different area of Kuwait and start another new Sunday evening service. This will mean that the church has 10 services a week!
I was at a conference in Bahrain recently with pastors from all across the Arabian Gulf and heard lots of exciting and encouraging stories of what God is doing in the region. God's word is getting out and lives are being changed. We feel so privileged to be part of what the Lord is doing in the heart of the 10/40 window.
Blessings to everyone at Cornerstone and may God continue to richly bless you all. You are in our hearts and prayers.
Steve, Naomi, Petra , Hillary and Amanda
Stephen Sheane
English Language Congregation
National Evangelical Church in Kuwait
PO Box 80 Safat 13001 Kuwait
Greetings back to Steve, Naomi and the girls. Happy Easter from all of us at Cornerstone. Know that we think of you all often and miss you but we know that God is blessing the work you are doing. Keep sending us news and photos so that we will be able to keep track of your ministry. This weblog has essentially become an online newsletter. However, you can also print out the main newsletter. Simply follow the link from here to the website and you will find it in PDF format for printing. Wow! All the best. (sc)
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